Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Re: rating and validating proposals

On Feb 19, 2008 1:38 PM, Bridget Mugane <fsatty@comcast.net> wrote:

> I am waiting for our co-chairs to send us an e-mail saying who is on which
> committee, so that we can set committee meeting dates.

I received it a few minutes ago. The following individuals have
volunteered for the following committees:

Committee 1- educate the public about land use process and decisions
Bill Lewis, Cathy Hudson, Judy Fisher George, Deb Poquette, and Frank Mirable

Committee 2 - improve the General Plan, comprehensive zoning and regional issues
Susan Scheidt, Ada Louise Bohorfoush, Julia Mattis, Ron Schimel

Committee 3 - improve the land use process in terms of piecemeal
zoning, variances, planning board interaction, subdivision process,
and the hearing examiner
Tim Sosinski, Brian England, Susan Scheidt, Bridget Mugane, Julia
Mattis, Bill Erskine

Everyone, if you were not at the last Task Force meeting, please
volunteer for one of these committees as you see fit. These
committees will consider proposals that fall within their broad
general mandate to improve public engagement in that part area of land
use planning. Please let Mr. Erskine or myself know if you have
volunteered for a particular committee.


James P. Howard, II

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