Saturday, January 12, 2008


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Start Time: 4:10 p.m.

End Time: 6:10 p.m.

Members present: Ada Louise Bohorfoush, Patrick Crowe, Brian England, William Erskine, Judy Fisher-George, James Howard, II, Cathy Hudson, William Lewis, Julia Mattis, Frank Mirabile, Bridget Mugane, Debbie Nix, Deb Poquette, Susan Scheidt, Ronald Schimel, Paul Skalny, Tim Sosinski, Andrew Stack, Katherine Taylor, Howard Weinstein, Shari Zaret.

Also present: Kimberley Flowers, Caryn Lasser, Stephanie Scott, Theodore Wimberly

Bill Erskine and Howard Weinstien opened the meeting.

Cathy Ward (representing NAIOP) introduced herself to the committee.

A PELU blog site ( was started by Co-Chair Erskine.

  • Members should get an email invitation for membership in the blog

  • To participate you will need a google password

Consensus was reached to allow the public to view postings to the blog site, however posting would be limited to taskforce members.

Co-Chair Weinstein provided 2 hand outs to members. attendees

  1. Memo called 3 guiding principles

  2. Copy of several newspaper clips of articles

The minutes from the January 3, 2007 meeting were approved.

A discussion was held regarding the structure of the final report due in May. The question was raised as to whether the group wanted to do a consensus report or include minority opinions.

  • It was decided by the members that the discussion was premature and that the tone of the report would “crystallize” in time.

  • It had been mentioned that clear objectives should be used to formally evaluate any proposals to be included in the report.

There was a discussion about the mission and objective DPZ.

  • Kimberley Flowers, DPZ Deputy Director, offered a concise explanation: guide, control growth, manage, or enhance the quality of life in Howard County. Mrs. Flowers also suggested that the mission and objectives could be found on DPZ’s website.

Mina Hilsenrath, DPZ Division Chief gave a power point presentation on the General Plan process entitled the “Overview of Howard County General Plan 2000 the Plan and the Process”. The presentation reviewed the state and local code/charter requirements, discussed the timing of prior General Plans, and discussed the General Plan Process.

Task force Discussion Points

    • How is notice given to public of changes in documents?

      • It has been suggested that a summary document be included in the front of the document listing proposed changes.

    • How does the public know that input is being considered or received (better feedback)?

      • Maybe an auto reply should be sent

    • Smaller regional forums are need

    • The county should work with the local newspapers to format a section for notices

    • How could the public get informed in the General Plan monitoring process

      • Flowers would bring information to the next meeting.

Hilsenrath promised to provide for the task force members an electronic version of the presentation.

She also provided a copy of the May 1999 version of the Howard County General Plan Summary of Process and Requirements. Many publications were made available for viewing to anyone who was interested.

The task force made the following decisions:

The next meetings will be held:

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

4-6 p.m.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

4-6 p.m.

At the next meeting Marsha McLaughlin, DPZ Director has been invited to do a presentation about Comprehensive Zoning.

The meeting on the 24th will be on the piecemeal/change mistakes and ZRA process.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Scott

Theodore Wimberly

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