Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Public hearing

Council action

Executive action

Effective date

County Council of Howard County, Maryland

2008 Legislative Session Legislative Day No.______

BILL NO. – 2008

Introduced by: Courtney Watson

AN ACT amending the Howard County Code to permit the general public to submit zoning regulation text amendments only during two specified periods per year; and generally relating to zoning regulation text amendments.


Introduced and read first time , 2008. Ordered posted and hearing scheduled.

By order

Sheila M. Tolliver, Administrator to the County Council

Having been posted & notice of time & place of hearing and title of Bill having been published according to Charter, the Bill was read for a second time at a

public hearing on , 2008 and concluded on , 2008.

By order ___________________________________ Sheila M. Tolliver, Administrator to the County Council

This Bill was read the third time , 2008 and Passed , Passed with amendments , Failed .

By order_____________________________________ Sheila M. Tolliver, Administrator to the County Council

Sealed with the County Seal and presented to the County Executive for approval this day of , 2008 at a.m./p.m.

By order_____________________________________ Sheila M. Tolliver, Administrator to the County Council

Approved/vetoed by the County Executive on , 2008.

____________________________ Ken Ulman , County Executive

NOTE; [[text in brackets]] indicates deletions from existing law; TEXT IN ALL CAPITALS indicates additions to existing law.

Strikeout indicates material deleted by amendment; Underlining indicates material added by amendment.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the County Council of Howard County, Maryland, that Section 16.208 “Zoning Regulation Text Amendments.”, of Subtitle 2 “Zoning”, of Title 16 “Planning, Zoning and Subdivisions and Land Development Regulations” of the Howard County Code is hereby amended to read as follows:

Howard County Code

Subtitle 2. Zoning

Section 16.208. Zoning Regulation Text Amendments.

[[(a) Petition: Any person, the director of the department of planning and zoning, the members of the county council or any duly appointed county board may petition the county council for an amendment, repeal, or change to the text of the zoning regulations.]]

(a) A petition to amend or repeal the text of a zoning regulation may be filed with the County Council in accordance with the following schedule:

(1) Any person may file a petition from March 1 to March 31, both inclusive, and from September 1 to September 30, both inclusive; and

(2) The Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning or a member of the County Council may file a petition at any time if it is deemed that the petition is in the public interest, including during the periods designated by paragraph (1) of this subsection.

(b) Copy of Petition to Department of Planning and Zoning and Planning Board; Recommendations: The county council shall deliver a copy of the proposed zoning regulation text amendment to the department of planning and zoning and to the planning board. The department of planning and zoning shall prepare and submit a technical staff report and recommendation to the county council on the proposed text amendment petition. The planning board shall also prepare and submit a recommendation to the county council on the proposed text amendment petition.

(c) Consideration of Proposed Text Amendment: When exercising the Zoning Authority of Howard County with respect to the consideration of and decision on a proposed zoning regulation text amendment, the county council shall proceed in the following manner:

(1) Introduction of bill. After the county council has:

(i) Received a final technical staff report and recommendation from the department of planning and zoning; and

(ii) A recommendation and report from the planning board; the county council shall introduce a bill proposing the adoption of the text amendment as submitted by the petitioner or as amended pursuant to recommendations of the department of planning and zoning, the planning board or the county council.

(2) County council bill procedures. The county council shall vote on the proposed bill according to county council bill procedures.

Section 2. Be it further enacted by the County Council of Howard County, Maryland, that the provisions of this act shall become effective 61 days after enactment.


Anonymous said...

I commend this team on providing so much detail, addessing items not previously thought of and providing it for public comment as you have done.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I was addressing the wrong post.